My Burlympics Adventure!

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My Burlympics Adventure!

Burlympics Performance - Miss Holly Hock

Burlympics Burlypicks Performance - Miss Holly HockLast Friday I boarded a plane bound for star studded Hollywood, California to compete in the very first Burlympics (Burlypicks) competition. Being born and raised in California there is a special place in my heart for those California skies and palm trees, so I was beyond excited. This was my first ever trip to LA however. I instantly fell in love with the city. There is so much to see and do, I wish I had been able to stay longer!

I headed over to the hotel to meet my roomates for the weekend, the lovely Miss Crystal Swarovski and the legendary Gabriella Maze. After getting settled in and dolled up I headed out to night one of the Burlympics.

The show opened with a hilarious burlesque blessing by one of my new favorite people, David Bishop wearing proper bishop garb of course. The night was full of a vast array of amazing performances that ranged from glamorous and dramatic to sidesplittingly funny.
Sgt. Die Wies gave an intense performance that was truly breath taking as stunned us all but doing a flawless flip in huge glittery heels. Count Smokula had the audience dancing in their seats with his amazing accordion skills and the sultry Bourbon Rose heated up the room. Tito Bonito wowed the audience with his smooth dance moves and had has us all laughing with his larger than life personality. Venus Demille then closed the show with a very creative and beautiful Lady Godiva routine.

I was left in awe of the sheer amount of talent squeezed into one night of glittery performance and realized this was going to be one tough competition!

I spent the following day with two absolutely lovely ladies, Delilah Burlesque and Ada Lavender sipping mimosas by the hotel pool. And after spoiling ourselves with some outstanding mexican food we all headed back to the hotel to prepare for night two of the Burlympics.

The show opened with an act by Pixie Stixx Burlesque, who performed a super sexy group act with a very talented live musician. I was the second act to take the stage and had a blast performing. There is nothing quite like the rush of being able to do what you love in front of an energetic and excited audience. I performed my newest routine “Dirty Boogie” which is a tribute to classic glamour and rockabilly.

The second night continued with no shortage of mind blowing performances. I had the pleasure of meeting my competition in the Burlesque Bitch Fan Favorite Contest, the steel city kitty Kat De Lac who is an absolute doll. The classically beautiful Madeline Sinclaire took the stage with such elegance and grace that she looked like she stepped right out an old hollywood film. Lady Satan amazed us all with her intensity and creativity, she is truly captivating. Bourgeois Betty & Dutchy Tulips performed, hands down, the most hilarious act I have ever seen! Pearl Lux put on a performance so flawless it won her the gold. Bobbie Burlesque put on a magical, breath taking performance. The show closed with a performance by burlesque legend Gabriella Maze. It was time for the moment everyone had been waiting for and the winners were announced. The judges certainly had quite a task, there were so many standout performances that I imagine it was very hard to choose the winners. Awards were given for multiple categories including most classic and most comedic in addition to the bronze, silver and gold medals.

Crystal, Gabriella and I headed down to Venice Beach for a little lunch and fun in the sun.

The following day it was time for a little LA sightseeing; Crystal, Gabriella and I headed down to Venice Beach for a little lunch and fun in the sun. After a delicious lunch at Seed we headed to the beach for a swim. The sun was shinning and it felt amazing to dig my feet into the sand.

After a catnap I had to be sure to squeeze in a quick detour with David Bishop to the Hollywood Walk of Fame so I could find Marilyn’s Star. (I know, I’m such the tourist.) After finding some of my favorite celebrities stars we headed to the after party and Burleokee competition. The Burleokee was a blast to watch, everyone just let loose and had a great time. After all that partying, we had to make a late night stop at the House of Pie with Cruel Valentine and friends.

The next morning I was on a flight home, still spinning from the crazy weekend I had. It was one of the best weekends of my life, I had a ball and wish I could do it all over again! I will be very much looking forward to next year.

Thank you to Crystal Swarovski & Chris Beyond for putting on this wonderful event and congratulations on an amazingly successful show!

Note: the name of the event has been retroactively changed to the “Burlypicks.”

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